My argument is that the churches come along and put their product in, and God is just like the new car, the ten million dollars, whatever it is – and I want to argue that that God is an idol. That actually, faith isn’t inviting us to embrace certainty and satisfaction; faith is about helping us live with uncertainty and with unknowing and with mystery. – Peter Rollins
Dr. Peter Rollins is a popular Irish philosopher, public speaker and author, who’s just release his latest book, The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Satisfaction and Certainty. As he explores the commodification of faith and religion, Rollins offers a challenging alternative model: to face the “haunted houses” that each of us is, and to connect with each other in a way that is truly open to the differentness and strangeness that we find in those encounters.
The Obama Scandals: Greg Lebel Interview, State of Belief Radio May 18, 2013