A Fast for Families, calling for immigration reform. We’ll talk to Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, co-chair of the National African American Clergy Network who’s out on the National Mall in Washington, DC with other activists and faith leaders demanding that Congress act – now.
Then, a conversation with Dr. Jay Michaelson, author of the new book Evolving Dharma: Meditation, Buddhism, and the Next Generation of Enlightenment. Jay has also recently written in The Forward about a strange appearance by George W. Bush at a gathering of Messianic Jewish activists, and will explain why that’s a problem.
And in the aftermath of the Super-Typhoon that has caused so much suffering in the Philippines, Susan Thistlethwaite says that denial of global climate change is nothing less than – a sin. She’ll be here to explain.
And you’ll hear a few words from Welton about compassion in the face of unimaginable human suffering.
That’s all coming up this weekend on State of Belief! Here’s how to listen.