Welton Gaddy with GWU’s Greg Lebel
Here’s what’s coming up this weekend on State of Belief Radio –
“Jim Crow Returns.” With an explosive new investigation for Al Jazeera America of widespread voter suppression efforts ahead of election day, best-selling author and journalist Greg Palast will be with us with a dire warning. Scroll down for clips from the report.
Also, a look at the politics of the midterm elections. We’ll get expert analysis from Greg Lebel, who’s worked inside several presidential campaigns and today teaches political management at George Washington University.
And Evangelicals for Marriage Equality bring their message to a conference of the Southern Baptist Convention. No, it’s not one of those jokes where two unlikely characters walk into a bar – after all, we’re talking about Baptists! But you’ll hear what did happen from Revangelical activist Brandan Robertson, who was there.
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