We here at State of Belief were very sad to learn of the death of Reverend Forrest Church, a senior minister at All Souls Unitarian Church in New York City. Forrest passed away last Thursday from cancer. He was a great friend of the show and a frequent guest to discuss his books on church state relations in America. Forrest was always lively and intelligent when talking about the histories he authored but his most inspiring conversation on the show was for his memoir, Love and Death: My Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow. He wrote the book about his battle with esophageal cancer and I don’t think anyone can listen to this interview without appreciating Forrest’s love of life and reflecting upon what is most important in his/her own. Forrest summed up life simply, “Do what you can, want what you have, be who you are.” We will miss hearing his voice on the program. Listen to Forrest’s interview for Love and Death.
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