Last night in DC all of the living presidents (except for President Obama, who is out of town) gathered to celebrate President George H.W. Bush’s program called Points of Light–a White House based program that encouraged volunteerism without any entanglement of religion and government and devoid of tax dollars being used for religious ministries.  Reading the press coverage of this celebration this morning as I head to New York, I could not help thinking this earlier program rightfully appealed to all of the motivations for helping others and taking care of neighbors that we find in our nation–whether because of a commitment to humanitarianism or religion, spiritual compassion or secular concern.  The White House initiative of Points of Light merits a celebration every bit as much as the so-called White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, deserves cancellation, with all of its good intentions but plethora of dangerous threats to the Constitution.

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  • G

    I still don’t like it when Bush’s son, Bush, Jr., took taxpayers’ money and give it to religious organizations while straving government programs and we the taxpayers have no say in the matter.

    If religious organizations want money, then they should get it from their own people not from the government.

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