
On the next State of Belief Radio – how is it that the language of faith and values seems to stick only to conservative agendas? Examples abound: during a recent videocast trying to rile up opposition to the Boy Scouts of America considering the inclusion of gay scouts and leaders, Texas Governor Rick Perry kept framing the debate in terms of the organization’s timeless values versus some kind of “pop culture” fad of homosexuality. Reports of NBA star Jason Collins coming out as gay ignored the faith and values language he used to do so, even as every genuflection of Tim Tebow is duly reported.

We’ll take a look at that question with Jay Keller, a straight dad with a straight son whose boy scout troop and sponsoring church congregation were rebelling, in writing, against American scouting’s homophobia years before it hit the headlines.

We’ll also hear from T.F. Charlton, who wrote the insightful Religion Dispatches article Why Jason Collins’ Faith is Ignored… And Tebow’s Isn’t after the NBA star came out as gay.

And you’ll meet Guy P. Harrison, author of the new book 50 Simple Questions for Every Christian.

That’s all coming up this weekend on State of Belief! Here’s how to listen.

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