Here’s what’s coming up on the next State of Belief Radio:
The head of the largest LGBT organization in the world, Metropolitan Community Church global Moderator, Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson. She was in Washington to witness President Obama’s historically inclusive Inaugural Address – and to take part in the Presidential Prayer Service at the National Cathedral.
Prominent atheist writer and thinker Susan Jacoby will be here to discuss what the non-religious community has to offer in our national dialogue on vital issues – and why its members must stop standing on the sidelines. Her recent New York Times op-ed headlined The Blessings of Atheism has earned considerable attention and comment.
Religion Dispatches senior editor Sarah Posner will weigh in on the pastor Louie Giglio controversy, as well as the risk of compromising principles in service to politics for the religious voices we did hear as part of the presidential inauguration. Among Sarah’s recent pieces: Will the Giglio Affair Ruin the Democrats’ Outreach to Evangelicals? and Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio.
And Welton shares his experiences and observations while attending Inaugural events this past week.