Here’s what’s coming up this weekend on State of Belief Radio:
Nate Phelps, son of Westboro Baptist Church founder the late Fred Phelps Sr. A documentary film is in the works called Not My Father’s Son: One Man’s Journey From Hate to Hope. A Kickstarter campaign is underway to fund that project.
A majority of Americans support a path to citizenship, and immigration reform is not a dirty word with most voters. Meanwhile, the contraception coverage mandate, cakes for gay weddings, public meeting prayer – religious liberty is all over the headlines, but what do everyday Americans think? Two new Public Religion Research Institute surveys are full of surprises, and PRRI CEO Dr. Robert P. Jones will join us with the details.
And the Texas GOP “comes out” – in support of ex-gay therapy! In the aftermath of the state’s party convention last weekend, we’ll visit the dark ages with People for the American Way’s Peter Montgomery.
Plus, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s stunning primary loss in Virginia. The opponent credits God for his win; but who does Cantor blame?
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