On the next State of Belief Radio – the fallout and the context for Missouri Congressman Todd Akin’s strange beliefs on rape and conception with Religion Dispatches’ Sarah Posner. Her articles on the subject are posted at Religion Dispatches.
Also, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney respond to the National Cathedral’s questions on the role they see for faith in public life – and in their own lives. We’ll talk to the Cathedral’s Interim Dean, the Rev. Dr. Francis Wade. You can read the candidate interviews on the Cathedral’s website.
Historical revisionist David Barton’s publisher has taken the unprecedented step of withdrawing the Wallbuilders founder’s lates book, which deals with Thomas Jefferson. We’ll hear from the man who found so many errors in The Jefferson Lies that he wrote an entire book debunking it, Dr. Warren Throckmorton. Here’s more information on Getting Jefferson Right.
And you’ll meet the Rev. Dr. Wes Magruder, a Methodist pastor in Texas who’s taking some heat for joining his Muslim friends in observing Ramadan this year. Read more about Rev. Magruder’s experiences on his blog, The New Methofesto.
By the way, we’d love to reach a nice round number of “likes” on Facebook this weekend. It’s a great way to continue some of the conversations you hear on the radio program. Please take a moment to stop by www.facebook.com/stateofbelief.