LGBT rights keep advancing in the US, primarily in the form of incredible progress on marriage equality. Elsewhere, however, the story is dramatically different. In addition to institutionalized homophobia in Russia, a number of African nations, and elsewhere, there’s a move to block any protections for sexual minorities at the United Nations level – at the UN Human Rights Council, no less – and in the language that’s worked shockingly well in many places in the world: “protecting the family.”
Austin Dacey, a former representative to the United Nations for the International Humanist and Ethical Union, wrote about this worrying initiative for Religion Dispatches Magazine. Dr. Dacey’s article is headlined At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language.
Scroll down for transcript. To hear the entire October 4, 2014 State of Belief Radio program, click here.
Anti-LGBT Activism at the UN: Austin Dacey Interview October 4, 2014