Last weekend, Dr. Robert P. Jones, CEO and founder of Public Religion Research Institute, joined us to discuss the findings of two new national surveys. How is a new generation of voters likely to influence the November election? And how does this college-age generation view modern-day Christianity? This survey of 18-to-24-year-old Americans conducted with Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs: A Generation in Transition: Religion, Values and Politics among College-age Millennials offers many insights.

This may be a warning that some denominations’ relentless focus on social issues is turning off a large percentage of the next generation of believers.

PRRI has also just completed the survey Chosen for What? Jewish Values in 2012. You’ll hear Dr. Jones explain how respondents ranked working for social justice even above religious practice as being central to Jewish identity for them.


Click the play button above to hear the extended interview.
Click here to read the transcript and download the audio.

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