We’ve got to use this moment of pain to be more determined to fight against this senseless, constant perpetuation of violence and destruction of lives. – Rev. William Barber II
After the jury in George Zimmerman’s murder trial handed down a not-guilty verdict, passionate conversations on race relations across the United States grew in number and volume. The decision disappointed many, and has prompted nationwide protests calling on the president and the Justice Department to take action in reviewing the case. Among the many faith leaders calling for a responsible but unmistakable response, a leading voice has been that of the Rev. William Barber, who is the president of the North Carolina NAACP and the organizer of the “Moral Mondays” movement in his state. Rev. Barber joins Welton this week to discuss his reaction to the ruling in the Zimmerman case, and his thoughts on the future of race relations in America.

The Zimmerman Verdict: Rev. William Barber State of Belief Radio Interview, July 20, 2013 by StateofBelief