We offer something that’s really vital, which is that we can frame these issues as a moral issue, as humanitarian issues. We love people; we care about people; and we care about God’s creation. And that’s a unique role we can play, is framing it that way. ” – Rev. Fletcher Harper, Greenfaith
On Sunday, September 21st, hundreds of thousands of climate activists descended on New York City, part of a Global Day of Climate Action. The Rev. Fletcher Harper is the Executive Director of Greenfaith, inspiring, educating and mobilizing people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership. His organization, along with Sojourners and Auburn Theological Seminary, brought a giant wooden ark to the march in New York, with the slogan “We’re all Noah now.”
Scroll down for transcript. To hear the entire September 27, 2014 State of Belief Radio program, click here.
#PeoplesClimateMarch: Greenfaith Fletcher Harper Interview, September 27, 2014