“Dear Dzhokhar, You don’t know me, but you tried to kill my family,” begins the letter written by Rev. Mr. Michael Rogers, S.J. that has made the rounds in print and online after originally being posted on Facebook. The letter written by Deacon Rogers is a thought-provoking response to last week’s tragedy that demonstrates profound empathy and forgiveness. Just a few weeks away from his ordination as a Jesuit priest, Deacon Rogers joins Welton on State of Belief this week to discuss his inspiration for writing the letter. CLICK HERE FOR EXTENDED INTERVIEW VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT
After Boston: A Word from Welton
How do we best understand the impact of these developments on our Muslim friends and neighbors? How do we best stand with them? And how do we respond to the inevitable challenges from some non-Muslims who are taking this opportunity to challenge the entire premise of interreligious cooperation? Welton reflects this week on these questions and more on State of Belief as he looks back at the bombings and ahead to life after Boston. CLICK HERE FOR EXTENDED INTERVIEW VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT
A Tribute to Rev. Bob Edgar
It is with profound sadness and shock that we learned of the death of Rev. Bob Edgar, a dear friend of ours, an avid supporter of Interfaith Alliance, president of Common Cause, former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, and a former member of Congress. This week, we take a moment to remember Bob, who will be missed by many of us who now, far too soon, grieve his death and who always will be grateful for his life.