Interfaith Alliance is pulling into traffic with The Vote is Sacred Bus Tour. The brainchild of Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, it brings members of the Interfaith Alliance team to a number of communities to encourage getting out the vote and to raise up the critical issue of voter protection.

Guthrie emphasizes the importance of community involvement: “I think it’s showing up and checking on your neighbors, checking on people that go to your house of worship… It’s making sure that it’s not just you and your vote that matters, but it’s also your role in encouraging everyone to exercise their right.”

Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons is the Senior Director of Policy and Advocacy at Interfaith Alliance, where he leads efforts like the upcoming “The Vote is Sacred” Bus Tour. An ordained Baptist minister and a leading advocate at the intersection of religion and policy, Guthrie has dedicated his career to empowering faith communities to advance social justice and counter religious extremism.

Hear the full October 26, 2024 show here

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