University of Colorado – Boulder Professor Nabil Echchaibi discusses the way Islamaphobia affects American Muslims, especially as the threat of ISIS continues to grow. Religion Dispatches Magazine recently published his article titled As a Muslim, I’m Exhausted… about how the overly simple “good Muslim, bad Muslim” paradigm hurts the community and inhibits its members’ ability to be multidimensional human beings. Sarah talks with Nabil about his call to move beyond needing to begin every conversation as a Muslim with apologies and disclaimers.
Faith leaders: You’ve been served
Following the city’s approval of an ordinance to accommodate transgender people, conservatives and some Christian leaders in Houston started to organize an opposition movement. City lawyers proceeded to subpoena everything the pastors, priests and other faith leaders had preached about the issue and LGBT rights. Not only is this blatantly unconstitutional, it is also an incredibly poor move in today’s culture wars. Sarah has her say on this week’s State of Belief.