Throughout Black History Month, we usually look back to remember the leaders of the past. On questions of civil and minority rights, we are likely living in historic times in our own right. And so we want to also focus on today’s leaders who are amplifying a prophetic message that inclusion, celebration of diversity and justice are not merely options for faith-inspired leadership, but at the very core of what that means in 2019 America. Welton will sit down with one of those inspirational leaders this week on State of Belief. Bishop Yvette Flunder is the presiding bishop of The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries and senior pastor of the City of Refuge United Church of Christ in Oakland, California.
We’re including this important Black History Month conversation in our semi-monthly series affirming the worth and full value of LGBTQ persons within and beyond religion. This series of conversations, so important at a time when anti-LGBTQ sentiment is being stoked for nakedly partisan political purposes, is supported by the Arcus Foundation, dedicated to the idea that people can live in harmony with one another and the natural world. Learn more about Arcus and its partners at
Hear the full February 23, 2019 State of Belief Radio program here.