Mary Helen Stefaniak, on her new novel, The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia. The book tells the story of Gladys Cailiff, 11, growing up in Depression-era Threestep, Ga., and her teacher, Miss Spivey, who introduces the Middle East to the small Southern town.

rachelandjoan2.jpgPlus, Rev. Gaddy shares excerpts from his conversation with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and the Rev. Dr. Joan Campbell, Director of the Department of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution. Both were presented the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award last Sunday by the Interfaith Alliance at its annual gala in New York. Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed, the National Director for the Office of Interfaith and Community Alliances for the Islamic Society of North America, and longtime Interfaith Alliance supporters Yvette and Joel Mallah received the Interfaith Alliance President’s Award.

And, Rev. Gaddy offers final thoughts on next week’s election and the campaign season that led up to it, and discusses a comment this past week on National Public Radio by Tony Perkins, Family Research Council President, refuting the link between prejudice toward homosexuality and LGBT suicide.


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