In 2011

Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief as we discuss the hearings into Muslim radicalization convened by Congressman Peter King earlier this month, and the potential implications of those hearings.  We’ll hear from…

…Rev. Michael Kinnamon, Secretary General of the National Council of Churches, on what the hearing was like from the inside of the hearing room.

Farhana Khera, President and Executive Director of Muslim Advocates, on his organization’s work educating society about Muslims and helping Muslims understand the risks they face within that society.

Plus, Rev. Gaddy shares some thoughts on the devastation in Japan since an earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11.  We’ll hear from…

…Rev. T.K. Nakagaki, a pastor in the Buddhist Church in America, on the aftermath of the earthquake and the wisdom and guidance the Buddhist tradition can offer in the wake of tragedy. A former board member of Interfaith Alliance, he has served as pastor of the New York Buddhist Church in Manhattan and serves on the board of the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Oakland, Calif.


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