In 2012

Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to find out what’s next in the race for the White House, what it would be like to live each month by a different set of beliefs and learn how you can join us in our new campaign: “First Person, First Freedom.”

State of the Race: On to the General
The Republican primary field is down to three candidates, but only one has the mathematical ability to amass the delegates needed for the nomination. Joining us this week to talk about the state of the race as it shifts to the general election is Greg Lebel, presidential campaign veteran and assistant professor of Political Management at the George Washington University. Greg answers our questions about the timing of Santorum’s suspension announcement, the sudden team switch to Romney by many evangelical leaders including Pastor Robert Jeffress (yeah, you’re remembering right – the pastor who called Mormonism a cult) and what he’ll tell future classes about the 2012 Republican primaries. Click here for the extended interview, video and transcript.

Project Conversion: 12 belief systems in 12 months

Many of us are learning about and from each other’s religious experiences, but what if someone committed to learn about others’ beliefs by living them – one month at a time? “Theology is a playground” for Andrew Bowen, who joins us this week on State of Belief. Bowen spent each month of 2011 living the teachings of 12 different faith traditions. Find out what led him to become “spiritually promiscuous” and what he learned from the experience that he now calls “Project Conversion.”

What is religious liberty?
While we believe there are real threats to religious freedom in our nation today, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there are many in politics today whose definition of religious freedom is one that is only concerned with theri own beliefs and practices and makes no room for those whose views differ. So we’ve launched a new initiative called “First Person, First Freedom.” Listen in as our own Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy explains the new campaign and his definition of religious liberty. We also want to hear from you – what is religious liberty? Send us a 30 – 60 second video of you explaining what religious liberty means. You can visit our website to submit your video.

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