Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, State of Belief, to hear…
Rabbi Jason Miller, author of a recent Huffington Post article headlined “Jews for Tebow,” explain what about Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow’s overt Christianity makes Miller want to root for Tebow rather than against him.
Carter Turner, assistant professor of Religious Studies at Radford University in Virginia and author of a recent Religion Dispatches article entitled Missing the Extra Point: the Real Cause of Tebow Fever, explore the symbolism beyond football evoked by Tebow.
Isaac Luria, organizing director at Groundswell, the social action initiative of Auburn Seminary, share with us how clergy and faith leaders are working together to end child sex trafficking.
Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy reflect on the recent meeting of evangelical leaders and their efforts to reach consensus on a presidential candidate. Rev. Gaddy also shares his own experience with the Southern Baptist Convention.