This weekend, tune in to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to hear a special episode dedicated to an in-depth look at Muslim life in America today. Last week, the Interfaith Alliance joined with the British Council, The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, and the Newseum’s Religious Freedom Education Project for an all-day symposium: “Reason & Rhetoric: Understanding American Muslims.”
What you will hear this week are the stories of experts, researchers and activists all working to find ways of navigating the challenges of being society’s “other” – once upon a time it was Catholics who faced these challenges, at other times, it’s been other groups – while building families, careers and communities. You’ll hear about the resiliency of the American system of law to alleged foreign influence. You’ll notice again and again that the Americans whose stories you hear in this week’s program – men and women of diverse backgrounds – share a common belief and desire to freely practice their faith.
We don’t think anyone left the event without having learned something new, regardless of whatever existing expertise they brought to the table in the first place. And we hope you too learn something new from the clips Welton shares with you this week.