In 2012

Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to find out why we’re being lied to about Thomas Jefferson, to learn about inspiring Muslim heroes and to discover what one author means by Christian Humanism.

Getting Jefferson Right
In recent years, some on the far right are rewriting American history to redefine us as a conservative Christian nation. Led by David Barton, a number of revisionist historians and commentators are promoting a nakedly theocratic understanding of our nation’s origins – and destiny. Joining Welton on State of Belief this week is Dr. Warren Throckmorton, co-author of the new book Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about our Third President and author of the eye-opening Salon article, “Faux history for the GOP.” Dr.Throckmorton is an associate professor of psychology at Grove City College in Pennsylvania.

Muslim Heroes
Few things are as easy to manipulate into hate as is ignorance. And there is abundant evidence of efforts to build anti-Muslim hatred in this country. To help counter the ignorance too many Americans continue to have regarding Islam and Muslims, an eye-opening look at inspiring Muslim lives was just launched. Founder of the project, Saud Inam, joins us this week to tell us about MuslimHeroes.Org.

Christian Humanism
Tom Drake-Brockman
became an Atheist while still attending a Christian school, but then spent a lifetime exploring faith and examining scripture and religious teachings. His quest for Truth led Mr. Drake-Brockman to write the book: Christian Humanism. He joins Welton this week to talk about his book, and why he thinks the greatest threat to the message of Jesus is the way organized religion expresses it today.

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