Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to learn what the failure to recall Wisconsin’s Scott Walker will mean nationally (if anything), find out why it may be the beginning of the end for Louisiana public schools, and hear from our good friend E.J. Dionne about our country’s divided political heart.
Wisconsin Wrap-up
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker managed to overcome a recall challenge this past week. Many talking heads have painted this as a warning for President Obama come the November election. But are they reading too much into it? And what else has been going on at the state level that might give us a better understanding of what’s going to happen this fall? Greg Lebel, presidential campaign survivor and assistant professor of Political Management at the George Washington University, joins Welton in the studio this week to help analyze that election and other campaign news. Click here for Extended Interview Video and Transcript.
State of the Louisiana Classroom
This week, Governor Bobby Jindal signed a sweeping school voucher bill that shifts massive tax dollars to private schools – many of which are under construction, or unabashedly religious. Dr. G. Pearson Cross, assistant professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, sits down with Welton to take a look at the beginning of the end of public education in Louisiana – as well as the process that made it possible, and the career prospects this might open up for Jindal. Click here for Extended Interview and Transcript.
Our Divided Political Heart
In the shoutfest that is cable news E.J. Dionne is a frequent and always thoughtful guest. He joins us this week to talk about his new book Our Divided Political Heart: The Battle for the American Idea in an Age of Discontent and offers insights on the conflicts that overwhelm our politics and society today, as well as some thoughts on the current “religious liberty” lawsuits brought by Catholic institutions against the Obama administration. In addition to serving as a Washington Post opinion writer, he is a professor at Georgetown University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Click here for Extended Interview and Transcript.