Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to hear our own Super Tuesday Super Wrap-up, what it means to be a warrior for peace and an update on one courageous student’s campaign against creationism in the classroom.
Super Tuesday Super Wrap-up
For those who were hoping for a clear Republican frontrunner following the primaries on Super Tuesday, the results were a disappointment. Sarah Posner, senior editor of Religion Dispatches, joins us to re-cap this week’s election results and to give us a look ahead to what’s next. She also dives into some of Tuesday’s religious undertones, including continued evangelical suspicion of Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith and a recent, troubling NBC poll that found only 18% of Republican Super Tuesday voters indicating that it doesn’t matter much if a candidate shares their religious beliefs.
“Warrior for Peace”
Having literally been on the front lines, Paul K. Chappell, West Point Alumnus, Iraq War Veteran and author of Peaceful Revolution: How We Can Create the Future Needed for Humanity’s Survival, joins us this week to tell us about his new book and the importance of working for peace. Listen in as Chappell and Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy talk about the difficulties in engaging people in a call for peace, how religion fits into achieving world peace and the fundamental challenge of the need for long-term planning in a world of short-term thinking and immediate gratification.
Campaigning Against Creationism in the Classroom
Last year we introduced you to Baton Rouge, LA high school student Zack Kopplin, one of the leaders in the campaign to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act that effectively allows the teaching of creationism in public school science classes. Kopplin is now a freshman at Rice University and joins us this week to update us on his campaign. There’s a new bill just introduced in the state legislature and 75 Nobel Laureate scientists have signed on in support of the repeal effort.