Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to find out what Christianity after Religion may look like and learn what stories are important to follow in the 2012 battleground states.
Religion in the News
The media often seems to feel a need to fit religion into a nice, neat box, inevitably reinforcing a simple, black-and-white image of faith in this country that for many people of faith is unrecognizable. But for 75 years Religion News Service has provided the kind of professional, objective coverage that is essential to understanding the many ways religion influences our society, our culture and our nation. Joining us this week is Kevin Eckstrom, editor-in-chief of Religion News Service, to talk about the state of religion in the news and the 2012 elections. Watch the video and hear the extended interview here.
Christianity After Religion
Dr. Diana Butler Bass joins Welton on State of Belief this week to talk about her new book: Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of A New Spiritual Awakening. In her new book, Diana explores the reasons behind the rapidly changing state of religious affiliation in America. Unlike some, she believes that we’re not in a cyclical revival of religion in this country, but that there’s a sea change under way. Tune in to find out this sea change means for religion in America. Diana is also the author of A People’s History of Christianity: the Other Side of the Story and Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith. Watch the video, read the transcript and hear the extended interview here.
“7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States”
There’s an old saying “all politics is local,” and that’s particularly true when talking about the politics of values and religion – something we often forget with our focus on the national news. But more and more, national elections are determined at the state level, which is why a new article by Joanna Brooks, “7 Religion Stories to Watch in 2012 Battleground States,” is so important. Listen in as Joanna talks to Welton about what those 7 stories are and how religion, in particular Mitt Romney’s Mormonism, is affecting what’s happening on the campaign trail. As a prominent Mormon writer and one of Politico’s “50 politicos to watch,” she offers insights into the level of support Mormons are likely to offer Romney, and how his faith may inform some of his campaign choices. Joanna is also the author of The Book of Mormon Girl: Stories from an American Faith and senior correspondent for Religion Dispatches.