In 2013

This weekend, tune in to State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, to hear about a grassroots effort that would make our Founding Fathers proud; to be reminded of our nation’s history as we celebrate its birthday; and to find out how many Americans plan to celebrate the Fourth of July. Also, get a special word from Welton as he reflects on why he works for the separation of church and state. Download Icon

Nearly every Monday since late April, faith leaders and others have gathered – and even been arrested — in front of the North Carolina State House to stand up for the most vulnerable in society. On this week’s show, we will hear from one of the arrested protestors, the Rev. Dr. Jill Edens, co-pastor of the United Church of Chapel Hill. Rev. Edens talks to Welton about this grassroots effort known as Moral Mondays started and where it’s headed. CLICK HERE FOR EXTENDED INTERVIEW VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of… Holiness?
Independence Day is a holiday that celebrates our country’s great history. While the Founding Fathers established this country on the principles of equality, democracy and freedom, Christian fundamentalists today argue that our nation was founded on biblical principles. Dr. Warren Throckmorton, associate professor of psychology at Grove City College in Pennsylvania and expert on religion and American history issues, will be on State of Belief radio to challenge the historic revisionism that the Far Right tries to apply to the original vision for this country.

Proud to be an American
In the spirit of the Fourth of July, the Public Religion Research Institute released a survey conducted in partnership with the Religion News Service about patriotism and American identity. The findings present a number of insights into how we, as Americans, view our country and ourselves. PRRI Director of Research Daniel Cox joins Welton on State of Belief this week to share the results of the survey. Find out who is most patriotic and what people are likely to be doing this holiday weekend.

A Word from Welton: Why I Work for the Separation of Church and State
In response to our celebration of the Supreme Court decisions overturning DOMA and California’s Proposition 8 last week, Welton received an email from a gentleman who happened to share his name but, apparently, not his beliefs. Recognizing that sometimes, particularly in moments wrought with emotion, it might be genuinely difficult for people to understand how any religious leader can work for the separation of church and state, Welton takes a moment in recognition of the nation’s birthday to explain why he does what he does.

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