Happy Thanksgiving! As challenging as this moment is for so many of us, the practice of active gratitude offers promise for both hope – and healing. On this special edition of State of Belief, the weekly radio program and podcast from Interfaith Alliance, host Rev. Paul Raushenbush shares an extended conversation with Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Senior Fellow at Clal in New York City and Senior Rabbi at East End Temple.
There’s so much to get out of this encounter! From Joshua’s passionate, active practice of gratitude, based in Jewish teaching and tradition; respectfully learning lessons on gender from his young son (and accepting the label of Rabbi Cisgender Dude Bro for himself); musing on the benefits of freeing many religious practices from dependence on formal faith leaders; to the essential right to seek mental health support for anyone who feels a need in this post-pandemic, trauma-laden time.
You’ll also hear the blessings Rabbi Stanton finds in the allyship Jews are experiencing today across a vast and diverse range of communities despite the surge in antisemitism staining other parts of our society.
Something we’re profoundly thankful for is the committed leaders who joined Interfaith Alliance in Washington, DC to speak out strongly in support of the Respect for Marriage Act. You’ll hear some of their thoughts on this week’s State of Belief (video of these messages and more is available at interfaithalliance.org)
And we hear a prayer for this season from Rev. Nicole Garcia, Faith Work Director at the National LGBTQ Task Force.
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