In 2023


    As we turn the calendar page to March, celebrated as Women’s History Month, this week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast we’re excited to be speaking with Rev. Jennifer Bailey, founder and executive director of Faith Matters Network. Nowadays, there are endless opportunities for connecting along intersecting identities and priorities. It gives greater voice to what each of us have in common and allows us to learn deeply from our differences. Rev. Jen will walk us through how our differences should be utilized in connecting with one another rather than driving us further apart.

    Rev. Jen is the founder and executive director of Faith Matters Network, a Womanist-led organization equipping community organizers, faith leaders, and activists with resources for connection, spiritual sustainability, and accompaniment. She’s also the co-founder of the People’s Supper, an initiative to host shared meals across the U.S. in hopes of building trust and connection among people of different ideologies and perspectives.

    She joins Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, host of State of Belief, to speak about the work of her organizations and where her passion for bringing people together stems from – and about her book, To My Beloveds: Letters on Faith, Race, Loss and Radical Hope as well as about Weave: the Social Fabric Project from the Aspen Institute.

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