With the threat of a right-wing anti-democratic impulse strengthened by conservative extremist policies, campaigns, and rhetoric on the rise, the preservation and protection of our democracy [...]
In a time when fundamental democratic norms are increasingly contested and targeted, religious identities and freedoms are threatened by increasing hate crimes, conspiracy theories, and [...]
In a new book entitled In Freedom We Trust: An Atheist Guide to Religious Liberty, father-son team Edward and Michael Buckner make a compelling case for maintaining the fundamental secular nature [...]
We slouched into the New Year with a resolution to the so-called “fiscal cliff” situation that satisfied no one. With issues ranging from gun control to the debt ceiling, [...]
The well-organized and well-funded campaign to inflame fear of and hostility toward Muslims and Islam has been well-documented. But that doesn’t make having to see Pamela Geller, et. [...]
Here’s what’s coming up on the next State of Belief Radio: a provocative new ad campaign meant to achieve nothing less than “Taking back Islam from Muslim & anti-Muslim extremists [...]
At least last year, Hannukah and Christmas overlapped. Not so this year, with the Festival of Lights ending before the full force of the Christmas season even arrived. The way its celebrated in [...]
A “Fortnight of Facts” There’s been a lot of attention paid to the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops’ “Fortnight for Freedom” – the bishops’ two-week campaign culminating on July 4th to raise the [...]
The mainstream media often seem to feel a need to fit religion into a nice, neat box, inevitably reinforcing a simple, black-and-white image of faith in this country that for many people of faith [...]
The Sikhswim Blog mentions Rajdeep Singh’s interview about a religious discrimination lawsuit at Disney that aired this weekend on Interfaith Alliance’s State of Belief radio show. [...]