While political leaders in Texas have been hostile to marriage equality, one Austin couple – Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant – became the first and only legally married same-sex [...]
The struggle for social justice in Texas has deep roots in immigration and religious freedom. In the Lone Star State, advocates for equal rights must combat the common misperception that [...]
A careful look at the films from the past year shows a large number of Christian-themed films – often released and supported through outside-the-multiplex methods like church screenings. [...]
This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, host Rev. Welton Gaddy will speak with award-winning filmmaker – and founder of the Washington Jewish Film [...]
I wasn’t born until 1952, but somehow Franklin Graham’s rhetoric struck with me when I heard him say that Washington has been “infiltrated by Muslims” and that they are “advising the White [...]
It was the first same-sex wedding in Texas. First a victory for LGBT rights – then a vow from the Attorney General to nullify the marriage! That’s not getting in the way of these brides, [...]
Call me a person of faith, but I believe that there is only one thing that is “Undeniable,” and it is not the handiwork of the Liberty Institute. Called “Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to [...]
Here’s what’s coming up this weekend on State of Belief Radio – The first same-sex wedding in Texas. First a victory for LGBT rights – then a vow from the Attorney General to nullify [...]
The merchants of hate are powerless against those of us who refuse to hate. The doctrine of division is powerless against those of us who stand together. And the philosophy of fear is powerless [...]
Welton comments on the ‘Circle of Protection’ grassroots initiative in Oslo, Norway. A 17-year-old Muslim activist organized a human chain to help the local synagogue’s members [...]