When we debate religious freedom in America, we usually debate the statues and laws that govern religious practice in our nation. But, increasingly often these days, we’re talking a lot about [...]
We all know that anti-Muslim bigotry takes a serious toll on our country. We see it in our political debates, in protests against mosques and community centers, and in policing and national [...]
Across the country the Religious Right and their allies in Congress, state legislatures and local school boards, have waged a quiet campaign to bring religious teachings into public schools and [...]
From the Deep South to Southern Europe, struggles for religious freedom are sending ripples across our communities. This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and [...]
Here’s what’s coming up this weekend on State of Belief Radio – New textbooks are in Texas classrooms this fall. After five contentious years, is Thomas Jefferson really redacted? And [...]
An incisive new book that’s been 30 years in the making uncovers the history and the influence of the Christian Reconstruction Movement in this country. You’ll hear from the author of Building [...]
Remembering civil rights hero, the late Julian Bond. Welton talks with his longtime friend and fellow activist, the Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, president of the San Francisco branch of the NAACP. [...]
The doctrine of Christian Reconstruction, birthed by the late R. J. Rushdoony, may seem to be a fringe fundamentalist set of beliefs left far behind by social and political progress. But Dr. [...]
When there’s something going on in our politics or culture that we can’t make heads or tails (or hairpieces) of, we call Prof. George Lakoff, a world-renowned expert in cognitive linguistics. [...]
Last Saturday we lost Julian Bond, the former president of the NAACP, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and a tireless champion for freedom and equality for all. Both Welton and [...]