There is no question that the nature of organized religion in this country is changing, as is the relationship between denominations and our secular society. Multiple times a year a new study is [...]
This week we will tackle the particularly sensitive subject of suicide and mental health following several apparent suicides in families already touched by tragedy. Welton will speak with Rev. [...]
The Equality Act was introduced in the House of Representatives earlier this month with 287 cosponsors from both sides of aisle. This critical piece of legislation is intended to address the lack [...]
In 30 states, LGBTQ folks are legally allowed to be evicted, fired from their job, or denied services due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This month, a bipartisan group of [...]
And here in the United States – where we experience our own disproportionate and ongoing epidemic of gun violence in our communities – two men are taking quite literally the call to “beat swords [...]
Just a few years ago, we were sounding the warning about the well-funded, self-righteous political religious right as they faced the reality of defeat in the culture wars. In an exile of sorts, [...]
It was yet another heartbreaking mass murder in a sacred space. In the aftermath of the slaying of 50 Muslims in two mosques on Friday, March 15, the world fell to its knees in horror. The New [...]
Whether in Christchurch, New Zealand, or here in America, in communities around the world there is a great need for healing and reconciliation that answers a scriptural call for a peace that [...]
Despite the multitude of ways for people to connect online, a growing number of us is feeling isolated and disconnected due to the lack of personal contact offline. The Secular Coalition for [...]
When Yadira Thabatah converted to Islam, she encountered a problem that most devotees do not. Blind and homeschooling her children, she could not find a braille version of the Quran in English. [...]