Following November’s election, we shared our hope that the Biden-Harris administration would return to the meaning of true religious freedom, in defense of those of all faiths and none. So far, [...]
This has been a hopeful week for champions of religious freedom. As we celebrate historic wins, Interfaith Alliance is also preparing to continue its vital work into the Biden administration. [...]
In its final days, the former administration worked overtime to implement final rules and policies that further marginalized true religious freedom for those of all faiths and of none. [...]
For decades, the Religious Right has claimed ownership over the language of faith and faith values. But over the past year, diverse, progressive faith voices have risen to counter that narrative. [...]
For so many of us, the past week has been a breath of fresh air. And that’s not from a partisan standpoint, but from seeing our values reflected in the peaceful transfer of power and an [...]
On Thursday, Interfaith Alliance hosted a timely online panel discussion titled, Insurrection and Religious Extremism: How Did We Get Here and Where Do We Go?, Moderated by Alliance President [...]
For the past four years, the Trump administration has leveled a coordinated attack against LGBTQ+ persons, usually under the guise of defending religious freedom. But true religious freedom means [...]
From QAnon to false allegations of election fraud, the spread of disinformation on social media has played a tremendous role in the radicalization of Americans. And when public officials begin to [...]
It was exactly fifteen years ago that State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, debuted on the Air America Network. In the intervening years, we’ve shared [...]
And we’ll hear some Words from Welton on the situation facing America today, how we got here, and what we should consider if we are trying to imagine a way forward. Hear the full January [...]