This weekend on State of Belief, host Welton Gaddy talks with the author of a new book on a conservative Christian philosophy with a surprising take on the command to be fruitful and multiply. [...]
Barack Obama, the only president to acknowledge ‘non-believers’ during his inaugural address, is himself a very religious individual. He has spoken freely about the role Christianity has played [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, host Welton Gaddy explores the economy’s impact on houses of worship. Plus, a look at the Hebrew tradition of offering interest free loans and one [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, Welton Gaddy takes a journey into America with one of the world’s leading authorities on Islam. Plus, a look at a recent lawsuit that debates whether the [...]
A new study this week revealed that 15% of Americans consider themselves ‘nonreligious,’ up from 8% in 1990. As a point of comparison, 1.4% of America is Mormon. Mitt Romney aside, there is a [...]
Now that President Obama has lifted the Bush limits on stem cell research, take a listen back to Welton’s conversation with Congresswoman Diana Degette about science, religion and stem [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, host Welton Gaddy discusses a recent Supreme Court ruling that could have major implications for religious liberty in America. Plus, what did one man learn when [...]
I was in the mood for some good old-fashioned theocracy this past weekend. With a trip to Iran well beyond my budget, I turned to Mike Huckabee. He didn’t disappoint, chatting up the evils of [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, how reporting on religion forever changed one man’s relationship to his faith. Former Los Angeles Times religion reporter William Lobdell joins Welton to [...]